There are many ways to get involved at Foothill, whether it is a desire to serve others in God's world, or to grow deeper in your own discipleship. We offer programs for all ages, and not just for the soul, but for the body as well!
Genesis Small Group for Young Families
Genesis - A group designed for families with young children. We meet on Thursday evenings to enjoy topical studies, fellowship and mutual support. Childcare is provided. For more information contact
Monthly Men's Lunch
Men's fellowship time that meets at Noon on the first Thursday of the month at Brian's Restaurant in Rancho Shopping Center, Los Altos (Google Map).
Contact Stan Ecklund ( for more information or to get email updates on Men's Lunch.
Adult Forum
On Sunday Mornings at 930AM Pastor Hans-Erik leads a study of the scriptures. Currently we are looking at the book of Genesis
Women's BIble Study
A weekly Bible study open to all women interested in studying the Word of God in depth and supporting each other in prayer.
The group meets at 9:45 AM on Wednesdays in the Fireside Room led by Marian Ecklund.
Contact Marian Ecklund at for more information.
From within our congregation we have sent people to serve Native Eskimo, Central and South American countries, unreached people groups within communist China, Hispanic college students, bar girls in Thailand, floating hospitals ships off the coast of Western Africa, Chad, island people off of Madagascar, and many other places.
Associates of our congregation serve island peoples of the Pacific, Students at DeAnza and Foothill Colleges, Theological Studies in Bulgaria, as well as local ministries for French Bible studies, Iranian Churches, and Armenian believers.
Over the years our genuine and vital congregation has impacted a diverse span of humanity. Those with whom we have ministered include Iraqi, Japanese, Argentinean, mainland Chinese, African American, Brazilian, Israeli, multiple Europeans; Hindus, Buddhist, pagans, new agers, atheist and nominal Christians.
We love to discover and experience God’s grace in each one!